Conner turned 5 years old February 21. For Conner's birthday we had family come over for cake and ice cream. On Saturday we had Bryce's family over, and Sunday we had my side of the family over.
Conner got $5.00 from Grandma & Grandpa Durrant, $5.00 because he is 5 years old
Conner likes to pick on Great Grandpa Wells, just as much as Grandpa likes to pick on him!!
Bryce and I are the parents to three busy kids. I stay pretty busy running our four year old to preschool three times a week. On the days that I am not running Conner to preschool, I donate plasma the other 2 days during the week. I work the first week of the month at Melelueca. I am also the 2nd counselor in the Young Women's program at our church. Sometimes I feel like life can be quite chaotic. The kids keep me pretty busy.
Logan is a very lovable, sensitive boy. He is seven years old. He loves riding his motorbike, going snowmobiling with his dad, playing with matchbox cars, especially trucks with a trailer. He loves his brother and sister, and is a big helper around the house.
Conner is now 5 years old. When you are around Conner be prepared to answer a hundred questions, he is a very curious boy who wants to know everything!!! He is a very busy child. You have to keep a close eye on him, or he just might be doing something that he is not suppose to be doing. He also loves his brother and sister. He loves to get his sister out of her crib after she wakes up. He loves to play cars and trucks with his brother. He gets bored when his brother is at school and he has no one to play with, that is when he usually torments his sister.
Emily is the baby of the family and thinks she has to have things her way. When things don't go her way she will usually bring on the water works, and she is good at it! She can be lovable only when she feels like it which is usually when she is tired. She loves her brothers too.
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